Winston-Salem Magazine Features Greenway Repair Project

Repairs along the Muddy Creek Greenway in Winson-Salem, North Carolina, were featured in Moving Times magazine, published quarterly by the Winston-Salem Area Transportation Planning Organization.

The Muddy Creek Greenway area being repaired as seen from ground-level and above.

Lydia Ward, Freese and Nichols’ Project Manager for the work, assisted the city with the update explaining the improvements to repair streambank erosion along the popular trail.

The 3-mile Muddy Creek Greenway runs past residential developments and a trio of schools and required a long-term solution to repair two locations of erosion and protect the bank from future damage. The Freese and Nichols team of stormwater, environmental science and transportation specialists collaborated with the City’s Engineering and Recreation and Parks departments on alternatives. The solution selected includes a combination of stacked rock walls, geobag walls, log vanes and realignment of about 570 linear feet of the greenway.

The project shows how our teams can help with solutions to repair and prevent streambank erosion so communities can enjoy their recreational areas.