Wade Anderson Expands Freese and Nichols Water Resource Design Team in Tulsa

Freese and Nichols has added Wade Anderson, PE, an experienced leader on dam safety to our water resource design team to expand our expertise on large dam, levee and hydraulic structure projects.

Wade has more than 35 years of experience, including leading multidisciplinary teams on major federal dam safety projects with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Natural Resources Conservation Service. His work on engineering, design and construction management of flood control and water supply dams and other water-related infrastructure deepens our capabilities to provide safety to communities.

“Aging infrastructure is one of the biggest challenges for the communities and clients we serve,” Wade said. “Having faced those challenges as an owner of water resources infrastructure, I can share my experience in developing solutions while continuing to provide the water resource benefits of the existing infrastructure.”

Wade will support water resource and federal projects across all the regions we serve, with a focus on the Central U.S. and Texas. He’ll be based in our Tulsa, Oklahoma, office.

He is licensed as a Professional Engineer in Oklahoma and Texas and is a member of the  Society of Military Engineers, Army Engineer Association, Association of State Dam Safety Officials and United States Society on Dams. He also has taught courses on dam safety, risk assessment, construction inspection and other topics for USACE and NRCS.

Wade received his Master of Science in Civil Engineering (Geotechnical) and his Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Oklahoma State University.