Freese and Nichols has been providing professional services for water and wastewater infrastructure since our founding in 1894. We have provided cost-effective, innovative solutions to critical infrastructure issues for a wide range of municipalities and special districts with populations ranging from 2,000 to over 1 million. As your trusted advisor, we’ll work with you from the project development stage through construction to deliver reliable projects that are easy to operate and maintain.
Water and Wastewater Planning
Freese and Nichols has one of the largest groups of professionals dedicated to water and wastewater system modeling and master planning. We’ve completed a wide range of master plans, regulatory assistance services, and asset management implementations. As a result, we can provide a big-picture view of your systems to prioritize your solutions, maximize existing infrastructure, and optimize your budget. Our solutions enable you to implement long-term solutions while being good stewards of financial resources.
Start a Water and Wastewater Planning Project
Specific Services
Comprehensive Master Planning
- Strategic planning
- Water, wastewater and reclaimed water system modeling
- Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) prioritization, development and tracking
- Operational assistance
- Pressure plane delineation
- Energy analysis optimization
- CMOM planning and implementation
- Infiltration/inflow studies
Water Quality
- Groundwater rule planning
- Water quality modeling
- Unidirectional flushing programs
- Nitrification investigation
- Water quality assessments
- Water age management
- Alternative disinfection strategies
Business Solutions
- Regulatory assistance
- Impact fee programs
- Comprehensive rate studies
- Desktop rate reviews
- Organizational and operational benchmarking
- Development agreements
- State Revolving Fund (SRF) project assistance
- Stakeholder engagement
Featured Projects
- Interceptor Condition Assessment Program, City of Fort Worth, Texas (pictured)
- Water/Wastewater Master Plan Phase 2 and Reuse Master Plan Update, City of Frisco, Texas
- Water Infrastructure Plan, San Antonio Water System, Texas
- Distribution Water Quality Evaluation, North Texas Municipal Water District
- Comprehensive Wastewater Collection System Assessment, City of Dallas, Texas
- Wastewater Modeling Study, City of Durham, North Carolina
- Crosstown Tunnel Basin Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study, City of Austin, Texas
- Wastewater System Modeling and Master Planning, City of Houston, Texas
- Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Update, City of Fort Worth, Texas
- Asset Inventory and Management Project, Trinity River Authority, Texas
- Deer Creek and Chisholm Creek Wastewater Treatment Master Plan, City of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Transmission and Utilities
As a leader in water and wastewater systems, Freese and Nichols is the firm of choice for fast-track and complex projects. In recent years, we’ve designed more than 1,400 miles of pipelines in urban, suburban and rural environments, and pump stations with a combined capacity of over 9 billion gallons per day. Our designs account for initial capital cost, total life cycle cost, low operations, and maintenance (O&M) cost, reliability, and resiliency. We customize our designs to meet your specific needs and follow through with construction management, startup, and O&M services.
Start a Transmission and Utilities Project
Specific Services
Water conveyance
- Pump stations and intakes
- Pipelines
- Tanks
- Tunnels
- Master planning
- Condition assessment
- Rehabilitation
- Energy studies
- Hydraulic analysis
- Operations studies
- Route studies
- Surge modeling
Wastewater collection
- Interceptors and force mains
- Meter stations
- Lift stations
- Master planning
- Condition assessment
- Trenchless technology rehabilitation
- Inverted siphon modeling and design
- Manhole rehabilitation
- Odor and corrosion evaluation and control
Project Gallery

Bois d’Arc Lake Program Management Services
North Texas Municipal Water District

Central Wastewater Treatment Plant Influent Pump Station
City of Dallas, Texas

Eagle Mountain Connection Project
Tarrant Regional Water District, Texas

Fulton-Cobb Diversion Line and Pump Station
Fulton County, Georgia

Integrated Pipeline and Kennedale Balancing Reservoir Expansion
Tarrant Regional Water District, Texas

Lake Conroe Raw Water Intake and Pump Station
San Jacinto River Authority, Texas

Main Stem Pipeline and Pump Station
North Texas Municipal Water District

Mary Rhodes Pipeline
City of Corpus Christi, Texas

Pump Station 16 and Ground Storage Tank
City of Lubbock, Texas

San Antonio River Outfall Pipeline
San Antonio Water System, Texas

Texoma to Wylie Pipeline
North Texas Municipal Water District

Ward County Water Transmission System
Colorado River Municipal Water District, Texas

Sanford/Chatham County Sanitary Sewer Extension and Lift Stations
City of Sanford, North Carolina

Kaw Lake Water Supply Project
City of Enid, Oklahoma

Second Source Pipeline and Repump Station
West Harris County Regional Water Authority, Texas
Related Materials
An Innovative Approach to Pump Station Design
Water and Wastewater Treatment
Freese and Nichols provides services in Water Purification and Resource Recovery – also known as Water/Wastewater Treatment – for municipal, state and federal clients across the southeast United States. We regularly serve as program manager or design consultant for water and wastewater treatment projects resulting in multi-billions of gallons per day in total treatment capacity for our clients. We lead planning studies and plant designs, as well as provide construction phase and startup/commissioning services for advanced water, wastewater and water reuse treatment systems.
Our practice is built on a legacy dating to 1894, when treatment was one of the original services offered by our firm’s founder, Maj. John Hawley. Today, our nationally recognized experts offer broad experience in process innovation and design for water and wastewater treatment, with a commitment to quality and client service.
A partial list of our treatment service offerings is provided below.
Start a Wastewater and Wastewater Treatment Project
Specific Services
Water Purification (Water Treatment)
- Indirect/direct potable reuse for water supply augmentation
- Brackish groundwater and seawater desalination
- Conventional groundwater treatment
- Conventional and advanced surface water treatment
- Energy use optimization for membrane systems
- Membrane filtration
- Chlorine, chloramine, ozone and UV disinfection
- Chemical optimization
- Disinfection byproduct control
- Distribution system water quality
- Lead and copper rule compliance
- Enhanced coagulation and sedimentation
- Chemical feed and scrubbers
- Softening, lime addition and recarbonation
- Taste and odor control
- Water supply and source water protection
- PFAS treatment
Resource Recovery (Wastewater Treatment)
- Water reclamation and reuse
- Conventional activated sludge and high rate activated sludge systems
- Integrated film-activated sludge (IFAS), moving bed biofilm reactors (MBBR) and membrane aerated bioreactors (MABR)
- Biological and chemical phosphorus removal
- Ammonia nitrification
- Total nitrogen removal
- Headworks, coarse and fine screening, and grit removal
- Wastewater pumping systems
- Primary clarification and high-rate primary treatment
- Chemically enhanced primary treatment
- Secondary clarification
- Cloth media and conventional filtration
- Chlorine, UV and hypochlorite disinfection
- Anaerobic treatment and digestion
- Aerobic digestion
- Biosolids dewatering and drying
- Class A biosolids treatment
- Energy conservation and recovery
- Biosolids regulations and residuals management
- Industrial pretreatment and technically based local limits
- Peak flow management, storage and treatment
- Plant upratings
- PFAS treatment
Project Gallery

Catawba River Water Pollution Control Facility
City of Morganton, North Carolina

Expansion of the Auger Water Treatment Plant to 12 MG
City of Midlothian, Texas

Holly Water Treatment Plant Expansion
City of Fort Worth, Texas

Lick Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Expansion
City of College Station, Texas

Main Wastewater Treatment Plant
City of Port Arthur, Texas

Martinez IV WWTP and Wastewater Collection System
San Antonio River Authority, Texas

Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion
City of Cleburne, Texas

Water Treatment Plant Disinfection Byproducts Reduction Improvements
Somervell County Water District, Texas

North Water Treatment Plant Improvements Project No. 3 and South Water Treatment Plant Uprating Improvements
City of Lubbock, Texas

Central Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion
City of Pflugerville, Texas

Allison Wastewater Treatment Plant Nitrification Study
City of Corpus Christi, Texas

Village Creek Water Reclamation Facility Thickening Study and Modifications
City of Fort Worth, Texas

Phase 1C Water Treatment Plant Expansion and Zebra Mussel Control
Brushy Creek Regional Utility Authority, Texas

Wylie Water Treatment Plant Risk-Based Renewal CIP
North Texas Municipal Water District
Related Materials
EPA’s Blending Policy: Clear As Mud?
Blog Posts
Tunneling and Trenchless
Our tunneling and trenchless solutions enable us to facilitate infrastructure projects where conventional methods would disrupt constituents’ quality of life or would be too expensive. From trenchless road crossings for water lines to deep gravity tunnels for stormwater and wastewater, Freese and Nichols tailors this specialized service to meet your needs for projects of all sizes.
- Concept development and evaluation
- Tunnel route studies
- Shaft site selection
- System hydraulics evaluation, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and surge modeling
- Desktop environmental/remedial investigations
- Alternatives analysis
- Tunnel excavation method evaluation
- Economic evaluation and life cycle cost analysis
- Tunnel and pipe design
- Permitting and regulatory approvals
- Public input support
- Odor control/cleaning facilities
- Geotechnical investigation and interpretation
- Risk management
- Data collection and GIS management
- Construction inspection

Project Gallery

Benbrook Connection Project
Tarrant Regional Water District, Texas

Deep Tunnel Study Phase One
Harris County Flood Control District, Texas

Mary Rhodes Pump Station
City of Corpus Christi, Texas

BCRUA Phase Two Raw Water Delivery System
Brushy Creek Regional Utility Authority, Texas

Lower Clear Creek and Dickinson Bayou Watershed Study
City of League City, Texas

Main Stem Pump Station Microtunneled Intakes
North Texas Municipal Water District

Mary Rhodes Pipeline
City of Corpus Christi, Texas

Granger Lake Raw Water Pump Station
Brazos River Authority, Texas

Barnett and Eagleford Shale Gas Gathering Infrastructure
Chesapeake Energy