Comeaux Writes for TML on Inclusive Public Outreach
The City of Corpus Christi harnessed the power of inclusive engagement during updating of their nine Area Development Plans through techniques that included Stakeholder Advisory Committees, student involvement, a virtual open house and presentations delivered in Spanish as well as English.
Freese and Nichols’ Urban Planning + Design team helped the City update their Area Development Plans, including adapting tools to keep the project on track when COVID-19 precluded in-person public meetings.
For the November issue of the Texas Municipal League’s Texas Town & City magazine, Shad Comeaux, our Account Director for the Western Gulf Coast Division, partnered with Corpus Christi Director of Planning Daniel McGinn to share tips and examples other cities can use to broaden residents’ participation and feedback.
The article shows other city leaders and planners how to incorporate transparency and inclusivity into their public engagement to develop community-drive projects that will be broadly embraced.
Read “Corpus Christi Shows How Inclusive Public Engagement Can Drive Planning Success.”