A Look Back: Solutions for Solid Waste
This article is part of our 130th Anniversary celebration series. It is an excerpt from Continuing the Journey, our book covering Freese and Nichols history from 1995 to 2015.

In the 1980s and ’90s, solid waste management emerged as an important service area as Texas cities worked to comply with new federal environmental regulations. Freese and Nichols guided the Texas cities through the process as they decided whether to upgrade their landfills or close them. Our firm designed landfills and transfer stations, assisted with permitting, performed groundwater and methane testing and other environmental monitoring, and planned post-closure usage. Additionally, Freese and Nichols worked with state agencies to develop standards for waste disposal.
Because of the more stringent regulations, many cities opted to contract with private waste haulers instead of operating their landfills. As the few others finished their necessary upgrades, work opportunities tapered off through the mid-2000s. By the end of the decade, Freese and Nichols had largely stopped pursuing solid waste projects.
A version of this article was originally posted in 2019.