Medical, Dental and Vision
We partner with Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) to administrator our medical plans. You can choose between three medical plan options:
- High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) with Health Savings Account (HSA)
- Base PPO with Health Reimbursement Account (HRA)
- Buy Up PPO with HRA
After you have met your deductible on the HDHP, non-preventative expenses will be covered by the plan at 100% in-network.

Dental insurance will now be provided by Delta Dental and will offer two plans:
- Dental Base plan
- Dental Buy Up plan
The Dental Base plan will remain the same rate as previous coverage by BlueCross BlueShield and the Dental Buy Up plan will provide higher coverage percentages and will be a higher rate.

Vision insurance will now be provided by VSP, which will decrease rates.

Medical, Dental and Vision Resources
Here are a few resources for making the most of your plans. If you would like to talk through your options, phone numbers are listed for each carrier below.
Find in-network medical doctors and facilities
Are your providers in the BCBS network? Click below to search the Blue Choice PPO network, or call Blue Cross Blue Shield at 800-521-2227.
Download the BCBS mobile app for your smartphone and have your medical benefits with you wherever you go. You’ll also have access to your medical digital ID card with a tap of a finger.
DOWNLOAD BCBS APPFind in-network dentists
Click below to search the Delta Dental network, or call Delta Dental at 800-521-2651.
SEARCH DELTA NETWORKFind in-network vision providers
Click below to search the VSP network (filter by network for “VSP Advantage”) or, call VSP at 800-877-7195.