Relevant insights from our subject matter experts
Freese and Nichols Wins Excellence Award for Innovative Flood Planning
Freese and Nichols is part of a team that has completed Regional Flood Plans (RFPs) for 15 total regions state-wide on a compressed timeframe during the COVID-19 pandemic. This brand-new process for the State of Texas encompassed a complexity and depth of data gathering, assessment and reporting that has never been navigated.
Coastal Resiliency: Creating Resilient Habitats for Colonial Waterbirds
Colonial nesting waterbirds play key cultural and ecological roles in coastal ecosystems. Freese and Nichols, in collaboration with Audubon Texas, worked on the strategic location and design of new nesting islands for colonial waterbirds, recognizing their crucial roles in coastal ecosystems.
Learn MoreRhys Wilson
David Jones
Putting Heart Into Your Technical Writing
How you communicate is as important as your specialized knowledge, two of our urban planners write — advice that applies across almost every field.
Learn MoreCoastal Resiliency: Enlisting Oysters for Shoreline Protection
As our coastal clients and communities face challenges like erosion, sea level rise, storm surge, and more frequent disasters, Freese and Nichols is helping them combat these issues to protect their residents and assets. The Schicke Point Living Breakwater Resiliency and Extension project is a perfect example of how Freese and Nichols integrated multiple levels of shoreline protection.
Learn MoreWeatherford Reuse Project Featured in WE&T Magazine
By adding reuse to its water supply, the city also provides an example of resilience and sustainability.
Learn MoreCoastal Resiliency: Buzan, Petty Featured on National Podcast
A recent installment of the Environmental Professionals Radio (EPR) podcast showcased the expertise of two Coastal Resiliency specialists from Freese and Nichols. Coastal Scientists, Dave Buzan and Aaron Petty, engaged in a discussion about mussels, underwater exploration, and diverse career trajectories in the aquatic field during the hour-long episode.
Learn MoreExtending the Lifespan of Oklahoma’s Dams
Freese and Nichols is working with dam owners to protect Oklahoma’s dams from potential failures. We use advanced techniques and technologies to assess, repair and rehabilitate dams across the state.
Learn MoreBois d’Arc Lake Water Supply Program Receives National Attention in APWA Reporter Magazine
The crucial new water supply started serving more than 2 million North Texans in spring 2023, ahead of one of the hottest and driest summers on record.
Learn MoreCoastal Resiliency: Protecting Critical Infrastructure in Florida
Freese and Nichols is helping coastal communities in Florida become more resilient by assessing the climate risks and providing solutions to harden their facilities against future storms. Learn how our experts are creating a road map to resiliency for coastal treatment facilities.
Learn MoreTransformative Downtown Plan Unites Midlothian’s History, Vision and Community
The City of Midlothian undertook a Downtown Master Plan that provides an overall strategy and guidelines for what future development could look like in the area. This includes addressing the design of building forms, streets, public spaces and branding strategies, coupled with a catalyst-based implementation plan combining market-based and city-based solutions in strategic combinations to build momentum. The goal of the plan was to reset Downtown Midlothian as an economic driver for the community amid transformative growth.
Learn MoreCoastal Resiliency: Rebuilding Critical Marshes in Louisiana
Coastal marshes are critical to Louisianans’ way of life: generating commercial fishing jobs, providing public recreation areas and shielding communities from storm surge. To protect lives and livelihoods, Freese and Nichols is working with Jefferson Parish to design a 600-acre marsh terrace field in the open waters of Upper Barataria Basin. This will improve coastal resiliency in an area with the highest rate of land loss in Louisiana.
Learn MoreTWDB Opens Annual Water and Wastewater Funding Opportunities
The Texas Water Development Board has unveiled more funding to support communities in financing their water-related infrastructure projects. Deadlines are in February, March and April. Learn how Freese and Nichols can help.
Learn MoreWhat to Know About the TWDB’s Proposed FIF Intended Use Plan
The Texas Water Development Board has posted a Request for Public Comment on the proposed SFY24-25 Flood Infrastructure Fund Intended Use Plan. Learn more about next steps for municipalities, including what to do for January 2024.
Learn MoreWe’ve found that our focus on quality and continuous improvement provides a natural incubator for innovation. Our level of innovation in our project work, client programs and internal processes helps our clients solve their business needs. We see the impact of these innovative techniques through our high client satisfaction scores, repeat business, and our many project awards.
Featured Authors
Wendy Bonneau
Urban Planning + Design Practice Leader
Craig Wells
Client Services Leader
Nina Reins
Water Resources Engineer
David Jackson
Water and Wastewater Treatment Practice Leader
Adam Conner