Freese and Nichols Wins Excellence Award for Innovative Flood Planning

Freese and Nichols is part of a team that has completed Regional Flood Plans (RFPs) for 15 total regions state-wide on a compressed timeframe during the COVID-19 pandemic. This brand-new process for the State of Texas encompassed a complexity and depth of data gathering, assessment and reporting that has never been navigated.


Greg Simmons

Nature-Based Solutions: Transforming Infrastructure for a Sustainable Future

Over the past two decades, the integration of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) into infrastructure projects has gained momentum, addressing challenges like intense rain events, water quality, and supply issues. Despite the recognized benefits, local governments often struggle to implement NBS, but Freese and Nichols’ project-based experience and strategies offer a practical path forward.

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Kate Burum

New Year, New Funding Goals

For 2025, it’s crucial to update your registrations on Sam.Gov and Grants.Gov to ensure eligibility for federal funding. This will help you stay prepared for future funding opportunities.

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Video: Community Flood Resilience Through Streamlined Data Analysis

Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, is looking to green infrastructure to reduce flooding in vulnerable neighborhoods like the Bucktown section of Metairie. This video explains how our engineers applied innovative data analysis to help the parish use FEMA grant funds to look for even more upgrades to improve stormwater drainage.

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Award-Winning Plan Charts Future for Georgia County’s Water and Sewer Needs

The Jackson County Water and Sewerage Authority partners with Freese and Nichols to develop a water and wastewater master plan that received the Georgia Association of Water Professionals Master Planning Spotlight Award.

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Julie Huerta
Koby Boman
Viraj deSilva

PFAS Monitoring: How Can Water Systems Meet the Requirements?

As public water systems face several PFAS monitoring deadlines over the next five years, our team can help with sorting through and complying with the requirements.

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Jimmy Gibson
Charles Gaddy

PFAS Sampling: Guidance for Getting Accurate Test Results

Learn how Freese and Nichols can help with PFAS water sample collection protocols and with conducting sampling.

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Ryan Deal, CPESC, GIT

MS4 General Permit Renewal: Compliance, Deadlines and Resources

Learn how Freese and Nichols can help with your small municipal separate storm sewer system general permit renewal to meet EPA stormwater quality protection mandates.

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Julie Huerta
Koby Boman

Meeting the Upcoming Deadline for AWIA Compliance

Learn how Freese and Nichols can help you public water systems complete the 5-year update to recertify your AWIA risk and resilience assessment and emergency response plan.

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Coastal Resiliency: Using Drones to Improve Wetland Restoration Studies

Whitney Broussard III, PhD, GISP, J. Mason Harris and James A. Nelson, published a study in Estuaries and Coasts on how technology can help in the preservation of our rapidly disappearing coastal march ecosystems, particularly in Louisiana.

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Transforming Victoria’s Ben Wilson Street Corridor

Expanding sidewalks and adding raised medians enhance pedestrian safety, while reducing the street to three lanes improves traffic flow. Upgrading the gateway to the University of Houston-Victoria aligns with the City’s Plan 2035 goals, supports campus growth, and supports Victoria’s commitment to higher education.

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Willow Creek Road: A Lifeline for Residents and Schools

The grand opening of Willow Creek Road couldn’t have come at a better time. As students prepare to return to school, the improved traffic flow between educational institutions—especially the newly inaugurated Peaster Intermediate School—will provide much-needed relief for residents.

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Revitalizing Downtown Brownwood: A Visionary Plan for Economic and Cultural Growth

This Freese and Nichols project has been honored with the Project of the Year Award by the American Planning Association – Texas Chapter.

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We’ve found that our focus on quality and continuous improvement provides a natural incubator for innovation. Our level of innovation in our project work, client programs and internal processes helps our clients solve their business needs. We see the impact of these innovative techniques through our high client satisfaction scores, repeat business, and our many project awards.

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