HEC-RAS 2D: Hands-On Training for Better Modeling

Patrick Miles

Freese and Nichols is offering interactive workshops for the Hydrologic Engineering Center-River Analysis System, better known as HEC-RAS. This free software, developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, includes 2D flow modeling capabilities that can depict flow patterns more accurately than one-dimensional models. HEC-RAS 2D equips dam owners and floodplain managers with more realistic models of complex river systems and large flood events, such as hypothetical dam breaches.

Our workshops teach how to run 2D models and how to view, manage and export results. The classes also cover the capabilities of the RAS Mapper module, how to prepare and combine terrain data and how to generate a 2D Mesh.  Participants are given a set of HEC-RAS models, and they work together as a group to apply their new skills to various modeling scenarios.

Freese and Nichols has presented these HEC-RAS 2D workshops across the country, including a three-day workshop with the Oklahoma Water Resources Board and two one-day workshops with the North Carolina Dam Safety Program. Most recently, we have just wrapped up a four-day workshop supporting the Georgia Safe Dams Program.

We are developing and hosting a training course for the Association of State Dam Safety Officials course catalog, and we have also partnered with the North Central Texas Council of Governments, as well as hosted sessions at the Texas Floodplain Management Association and Georgia Association of Floodplain Managers conferences.

We look forward to bringing this specialized training to your organization. For more details, please contact Patrick Miles in Fort Worth, Garrett Johnston in Austin, Tony Grubbs in Raleigh, or Jamie Joyner in Atlanta.