Connect With Us at the 2025 South Carolina Environmental Conference

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Forest Hunt

Transmission and Utilities Engineer

We’re excited about our seven presentations at the AWWA-WEA South Carolina Environmental Conference in Myrtle Beach, SC.

SCEC is the annual event for water and wastewater professionals in South Carolina. The South Carolina Section of the American Water Works Association (SCAWWA) works closely with the Water Environment Association of South Carolina (WEASC), supporting those dedicated to protecting and persevering South Carolina’s water environment, ensuring its enjoyment for all. Together, they are known as the South Carolina Water Associations.

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Sunday, March 9

Title: Long-Term Lifecyle Cost Analysis for Smarter Capital Improvement Planning in Water Infrastructure
Time: 9:05-9:35 a.m.
Presenters: Berk Ulsu

Asset Management
Title: Improving the Flow: New Tools for Dynamic Pump Station Assessments and Risk Analysis
Time: 1:30-2 p.m.
Presenters: Ashely Castillo


Monday, March 10

Alternative Delivery
Title: Synergies in St. Petersburg: Aging Pipes and Collaborative Solutions
Time: 9:05 – 9:35 a.m.
Presenters: Tom Cross

SCADA/Instrumentation and Controls
Title: Preventing the Acknowledge All Alarm Button from Costing You Thousands of Dollars
Time: 2:15 – 2:45 p.m.
Presenters: Nick Claudio

Tuesday, March 11

Wastewater Collection
Title: Solving the Operational Challenges at Beaver Creek Pump Station through the use of a Physical Scale Model
Time: 2:40-3:10 p.m.
Presenters: Sam Beavans

Growth and Development
Title: Going Deep: How to Keep Your Sewer Infrastructure Expansion on Track
Time: 3:15-3:45 p.m.
Presenters: Forest Hunt, Elaina Landrum

Title: Rapid Development, Smart Solutions: Strategies for Design-Build Infrastructure
Time: 2:05-2:35 p.m.
Presenters: Carleton Sherrer

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Forest Hunt is a Transmission and Utilities Engineer. He is based in Greenville, SC.