Using State Point Analysis to Improve Clarifier Operations: Spreadsheet-Based Tool Explained in TexasWET

Nick Landes, a Freese and Nichols Water and Wastewater Treatment Engineer, shares details on state point analysis as a tool for operators to improve clarifier operations, compliance and performance while reducing pumping costs, and walks readers through step-by-step how to use it in an in-depth article in the latest Texas WET magazine.

The article, “Tech Talk: Secondary Clarifier Operations Using a Simple Spreadsheet-Based Tool,” offers a free downloadable spreadsheet tool for operators as well as several practical applications and examples of the procedure.

The magazine is published bi-monthly by the Water Environment Association of Texas (WEAT).

Nick discusses secondary settling tanks as economical and efficient parts of the activated sludge process. He writes, “Secondary clarifier operations at WRRFs are a critical but underappreciated task. Several factors impact the performance of secondary clarification, [some of which] operators can control or respond to on a daily basis. State point analysis is a tool available to operators that incorporates [these factors] and can be used to evaluate operational adjustments.”

Read the full article: “Tech Talk: Secondary Clarifier Operations Using a Simple Spreadsheet-Based Tool”

State Point Analysis Spreadsheet Tool: Download Here