Nabeel Khan Named TAWWA Southeast Chapter Young Engineer of the Year
Congratulations to Nabeel Khan, Water/Wastewater Master Planning, Pearland, for receiving the TAWWA Southeast Chapter’s 2021 Young Engineer of the Year Award.
This award is given to young professionals that actively participate and contribute within a local professional organization. Contributing to the overall growth and outreach of their respective organizations, organizing various events and volunteering time are all factors that go into considering a young professional for this award.
Nabeel joined the organization in 2019. During this time, he actively participated in volunteer events such as the Buffalo Bayou Clean-up. He increased the young professionals’ involvement within the chapter through networking opportunities like the joint happy hour with Texas Society of Professional Engineers and other events. With his efforts, the Young Professional Committee has increased membership.
In addition to his award, Nabeel was nominated to become Secretary of the Southeast Chapter of TAWWA for 2021. He took on the role earlier this year.