Freese and Nichols Reaches New Heights in ENR Rankings
For the fifth year in a row, Freese and Nichols has moved up among national design firms, as ranked by the industry magazine Engineering News-Record (ENR). These recognitions demonstrate our progress toward our goal of providing regionally based service and national expertise to our clients.
Top 500 Design Firms
Freese and Nichols ranks 91st overall — our highest ranking ever — with $191.8 million in design revenue. We rose 18 places from 2019, when we were 109th nationally.
Top 100 Pure Designers
On ENR’s “pure designers” list, we rose 14 places to 71st in the nation. This is our highest ranking ever on this list, which excludes engineer-constructor firms.
Top 20 Design Firms for Water
ENR breaks out separate lists for nine market sectors, and Freese and Nichols is 18th among the nation’s design firms for water.
Top 20 Design Firms for Sewer and Waste
For the first time, Freese and Nichols is on ENR’s list for sewer and waste firms, ranking 19th in the nation.
ENR determined the annual rankings based on revenue from design services performed in 2019; view the full rankings on the ENR website. Additional rankings for specific regions and services are scheduled to be published throughout the summer.