New Mobility Technologies: Learning from our Past
Join us as we begin our series – New Mobility Technologies (NMT) – framing how cities and regions should approach the evolving landscape of transportation. We will start at the foundation by defining the context of mobility in American cities and outlining the range of NMT types and potential impacts. Keep up with our conversation as we lead to our NMT Top 10 – the first steps cities should take in preparing for new mobility technologies.
As cities embark on the new frontier of transportation, it’s important we learn from history. Preparing for NMTs, like automated vehicles, presents itself as a close parallel to that of the original automobile. Changes in mobility technology altered the way cities approach the allocation of street space, shifted the American workforce and impacted land-use development patterns.
“Cities are constantly evolving with mobility technology. Today we approach another reimagining of our streets and cities through recent and emerging new mobility technologies (NMTs). These technologies affect the vehicles on our streets as well as the services and ways we travel, such as ride-hailing services, bike share, electric vehicles, automated vehicles, and hyperloop…It is by maintaining [cities’] core purpose while adopting technology as a tool that cities survive and are resilient to changes past, present, and future. Past mobility revolutions, like the introduction of the automobile, and how cities responded are vital to understanding the impending change we face today and how cities must prepare to adapt.”
“These new mobility technologies are… a tool in the toolbox for meeting a greater goal and vision for the community. They will bring great opportunities as well as new challenges and issues. We cannot see them as a silver bullet to solve the ills facing our cities today, but rather use them intelligently in tandem with other policies, regulations, and tools to bring a better quality of life and economic vitality to our cities.”
Find our full discussion on the topic in our Papers & Presentations section by clicking here.