Input Wanted for MS4 Needs Assessment Survey
MS4 stormwater program managers have until the end of May to give their input for the second MS4 Needs Assessment Survey, a collaboration between the Water Environment Federation Stormwater Institute and the National Municipal Stormwater Alliance.
Results will provide critically significant data needed for stormwater to be included in the next ASCE Infrastructure Report Card (2021) for the first time ever. The survey should take around 15 minutes to complete.
Click here to take the survey.
Your input is needed because a good response rate from the MS4 permittees will show that stormwater is a mature public infrastructure sector and will help increase awareness to stormwater funding and needs.
Who should take the survey:
- If you are an entity (city, county, watershed, DOT, non-traditional, etc.) with an MS4 permit, have one person from your organization fill out the survey.
- If you are a consultant, please make sure your client has authorized you to take the survey for them.
- If you’re another type of entity, (such as a regulator, researcher, NGO, manufacturer, etc.), but are interested in the MS4 program, provide the information on the landing page but do not fill out the survey.
The information will be used to inform:
- Initiatives and discussions with members of Congress
- Discussions between MS4 permittees and USEPA staff
- Identification of stormwater research needs
- Work of the EPA Stormwater Finance Workgroup
- Better understanding of local MS4 programs
The Water Environment Association of Texas is also working with the survey sponsors to include data from the survey for a Texas-specific report.